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Orthodontics for Children - Braces Ottawa

Orthodontics for Children

To ensure a child starts off their life with great oral health, early treatment and evaluation are of the utmost importance. We are prepared to see children of all ages, so schedule a consultation with Ottawa Braces if you feel your child might need an orthodontic evaluation or treatment of any kind.

In fact, the earlier your child sees us, the better! The sooner that issues are addressed, the quicker they can be fixed. The Canadian Association of Orthodontists recommends children have their first visit to the dentist at age seven. Some children might not require treatment until they are eleven to thirteen years of age, but since the first permanent teeth are likely to have come in around the age of seven, numerous issues with bite and crowding can be addressed at this early age.

Even if your child still has his or her baby teeth, some issues might still be able to be corrected at this time. Some orthodontic issues are severe enough to warrant treatment earlier than usual, and we are here to provide the most comfortable experience possible for your little one. If a child needs treatment at this age, we refer to this as Phase 1 treatment. If they are not yet ready for treatment, we will help you to monitor your child’s growth so that we can take care of the issue as soon as they are ready and treatment can begin.

Issues that can be helped by Phase 1 treatment include, but are not necessarily limited to:

  • Thumb sucking
  • Trouble with chewing and/or breathing
  • Late or early loss of baby teeth
  • Crowded, loose and impacted teeth
  • Upper and lower teeth that do not meet properly
  • Improper jaw alignment
  • Tongue thrusting
  • Cross bites

Phase 1 treatment, also known as “early interceptive treatment,” involves a few forms of orthodontic treatment, such as expanders and partial braces that take place before the child has all of their permanent adult teeth. These treatments usually begin between ages six and ten. Early treatments can be recommended in the case of correcting crossbites, over and under-bites, and harmful oral habits.

If your child has experienced Phase 1 treatment, it is possible that your child will need full braces in the future. Phase 1 treatment is generally done in preparation for Phase 2 treatment, which your child can undergo once their mouth has matured a bit more.

Early treatment can make Phase 2 treatments go by a lot more smoothly and efficiently by helping to regulate the width of the dental arches, create space for permanent teeth to come in correctly, prevent the need for permanent teeth extraction and reduce the likelihood of impacted permanent teeth.

Not only can early treatment work toward easing Phase 2 treatments, but it can be used to help correct thumb-sucking and eliminate speech or swallowing problems as well.

Contact us for more information and appointment